Five men of Holy Cross will profess perpetual vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame, including Aaron Morris, C.S.C. These men have discerned God's call during their years in formation and are now prepared to devote their lives to God as finally-professed members of the Congregation of Holy Cross. You are invited to participate in the Final Vows liturgy by joining via livestream by clicking on the blue title above. (The link will be updated to show Final Vows just before the Mass begins.)
Immaculate Conception Church is hosting a school supply drive for My Brother's Keeper (whose mission is to "To bring the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ to those in need."). This wonderful organization will distribute backpacks full of school supplies when they deliver furniture and groceries to families in need throughout the year. Supplies are being collected now through September 9 and can be dropped off inside the church (before or after Masses) or anytime on the porch of the rectory.
For a list of needed supplies, please click the school bus image.
Let us gather and shine Christ's light into the world! Join us for Mass and a blessing for volunteers, catechists and students as they begin a new year in faith formation.
Following Mass, pancakes, baked goods and fruit kabobs will be served in the gym. Along with music, games and Wally the Green Monster!
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open! Classes begin September 29. Please click the image to visit the Faith Formation page. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Stewart, Faith Formation Coordinator at [email protected].
“Renew the Face of the Earth” - The 83rd Annual Catholic Appeal begins May 1. Since 1942, the Appeal has helped people in all phases of life – from children, to youth, to parents, to the elderly. Your support sustains the numerous agencies, programs, and ministries providing food and shelter, educating children and adults, and meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of thousands. We encourage you to support the Appeal as generously as you can. You can make a one-time gift or a pledge with convenient payments throughout the year. You can give by mail, use a contribution card located in church, or make your gift or pledge online at:
For more information, please click the image for the Catholic Foundation website.
Immaculate Conception Church invites you to participate in a parish program on "Discovering the Mass in the Bible". Acclaimed author and teacher, Dr. Brant Pitre, digs down to the biblical roots of the Eucharist, through its foreshadowing in the miraculous events of the Old Testament, the Gospels and Apostolic teaching.
Sessions begin February 21 and 22 will take place:
Wednesday mornings at 8:30am; and
Thursday evenings at 7pm
Each session will last about 1 hour. Please call the Parish Office at 508-238-3232 to register.
For over thirty years, the St. Vincent de Paul Society has sponsored the Caring Tree. This year, the Caring Tree will be decorated with envelopes and displayed at the back of the Church from November 25 through December 23.
For your convenience, the envelopes will be stamped and addressed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society, c/o Immaculate Conception Church. We ask that you please make checks payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generous support will allow us to provide financial assistance for food, fuel, prescriptions, emergency shelter, etc.
If you are unable to attend ICC over this holiday season and wish to make a donation, we ask that you send your donation payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society and mail it to St. Vincent de Paul Society, c/o Immaculate Conception Church, 193 Main Street, North Easton, MA 02356.
If you find yourself needing assistance from St. Vincent de Paul now or at anytime during the year, lease contact the parish secretary at the rectory at 508-238-3232. Please feel confident that we will uphold the strictest confidentiality with your requests.
Thank you very much and may God bless you and keep you in his care.
Join the Club! The 30-Week Club is a fundraiser to help support our parish. Anyone can join! The entry fee is $90 and drawings are held the last Thursday of every month when 4 or 5 weekly winners are drawn. There is no limit to the amount of times you can win!
The Club takes place between April 1 and October 27.
Members who pay the entry fee of $90 before June 1 are eligible for 2 special $200 drawings in July.
Click the image to register for the Club. Members are assigned a captain who will be responsible for collecting the entry fee. For your convenience, the fee may also be made online through WeShare.
Our Parish is committed to providing a safe place for all the faithful. Therefore, we follow a strict policy of The Essential Three for all who minister, work or volunteer in our parish. We ask for your cooperation and support. The safety of our community depends on all of us doing our part. Please click on the image to visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for more information
Catholic Mission Trip - Summer July 22-30, 2023
The ASP provides one of the most rewarding structured service opportunities in the nation - bringing thousands of volunteers from around the country to Central Appalachia to repair and replace homes for low-income families.
Since 1969, we've made homes warmer, safer and drier for families and provided transformational service experiences for volunteers.
For more information and to registered, please click the ASP image.
Immaculate Conception Church and Holy Cross Church formally merged their Religious Education programs in August, 2021. We are thrilled to offer in-person classes, as well as some at-home options. Parishioners may enroll their child in a class at either parish.
Classes at Immaculate Conception Church are held about every other week. For Grades 1-6, there are classes on Sundays (9-10 am) or Monday (4:30-5:30 pm). The classes for Grade 7 & 8 are every other Monday (6:30-7:30 pm). For more options including YDisciples and Confirmation I and II, please visit the Holy Cross website.
Religious education classes began meeting in September. Should you wish to register your child mid-year, please email or call your home parish and we will assist you.
Lynne Stewart
Administrative Assistant for Religious Education
Immaculate Conception Church
[email protected]
Margaret Dwyer-Hogan
Director of Religious Education
Holy Cross Church
[email protected]
← PLEASE CLICK THE IMAGE TO FOR THE GRAND ANNUAL APPEAL. It is with reverence for our past and enthusiasm for our future that we ask that you please consider supporting our Grand Annual Appeal for Immaculate Conception Parish. Funds raised through this important collection will help as we recover from the significant financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our parish. Now it is time to come together to help stabilize us financially while ensuring that we keep as our priority our mission to make God known, loved, and served.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People calls on all Dioceses to provide safe environment education for children and youth. The Fall River Diocese has been providing this training through several resources. Last year the Diocese began implementing a new curriculum with our Faith Formation programs called Circle of Grace. This curriculum is meant to supplement and be integrated into our primary faith formation program.
Immaculate Conception Faith Formation is working with Holy Cross Faith Formation on this curriculum.
PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE to be redirected to Holy Cross Faith Formation website to access the Circle of Grace curriculum.
We are formally merging our Religious Education program with Holy Cross Church under the direction of Margaret Dwyer-Hogan. Below please find the 2021-2022 Religious Education schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish office at 508-238-3232 or [email protected].
PAYMENT: Through the On-Line Registration Form, you will be directed to the ICC website / WeShare page for credit card payments. If paying by check, please make checks payable to Immaculate Conception Church and send to the Parish office.
START DATE Sunday, September 26
Grades 1-6 (every other week) in-person classes - choose a day at either ICC or Holy Cross. Once you register for a particular day, you will keep that day throughout the school year:
Sunday 9AM to 10AM at ICC
Sunday 9:30AM to 10:30AM at Holy Cross
Monday 4:30PM to 5:30PM at ICC
Tuesday 4:30PM to 5:30PM at Holy Cross
Grades 4-6 (every other week) at-home option with e-Assessment:
Books will be provided and distributed with the same syllabus as in-person classes.
Grades 7 & 8 (every other week):
Monday 6:30PM to 7:30PM at ICC
Tuesday 6:30PM to 7:30PM at Holy Cross
Grades 7 & 8 (every other week) at-home option with e-Assessment:
Books will be provided and distributed with the same syllabus as in-person classes.
Grades 6, 7, 8 - YDisciple Option
Students will stay in these small groups through Confirmation I. Students work with YDisciple Leaders creating their own calendar with a mix of service, learning, sharing and praying as a small community. Space is very limited. To learn more about YDisciple visit or reach out to Margaret Dwyer-Hogan, Director of Religious Education at Holy Cross at 508-238-2235.
Confirmation I & II Kick Off Mass:
Sunday, September 26 at 5:30PM at Holy Cross
Followed by reception for parents and teens
Confirmation I (4 consecutive weeks alternating with Confirmation II):
Sunday 5:30 Mass, followed by class, pick up at 7:30PM at Holy Cross.
October 31 (fun night); November 7, 14, 21
January 9, 16, 23, 30
March Retreat - TBD
Confirmation II (4 consecutive weeks alternating with Confirmation I):
Sunday 5:30 Mass, followed by class, pick up at 7:30PM at Holy Cross.
September 26, October 3, 10, 17
December 5, 12, 19, January 2
February 6, 13, 27, March 6
April Retreat – TBD
Confirmation – determined by Bishop da Cunha
Students who choose to learn at home will be required to do an e-Assessment at the end of each chapter. Unlike last year, this is not optional. There will be two, six-chapter books used this year. The e-Assessment links will be posted on the website each week. We have a dedicated person who will be tracking this work. Work must be completed to move onto next year.
$100 for 1 child
$200 for 2 children
$250 for 3 or more children
First Communion Fee: $50
Confirmation II Fee: $50
NEW THIS YEAR – Families and Faith
If you have multiple children with loads of scheduling conflicts, please consider our new Families and Faith program, held at Holy Cross. This program is based on families attending the 10AM Mass, then proceeding to the parish hall for a one hour community-based faith formation session under the direction of lead families. Fees remain the same - $100 for one child, $200 for two children, $250 for three or more. If you have a child in a sacrament year (grade 2 or 10), you may still participate; however, the sacrament fee of $50 will be required in addition to the program fees. To learn more about this program, please contact Lindsay Franzoni at [email protected].
Blessings to our Parish young adults who recently celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. May they continue to grow in the grace of God. Please click the link to watch the celebration.
Blessings to our Parish young adults who recently celebrated the Sacrament Confirmation. May they continue to grow in the grace of God. Please click the link to watch the celebration.